Welcome to Jeremy Fehlman’s Production Portfolio website! This website serves as an outlet to showcase my digital media content creation. Explore the different pages to get a glimpse of some image, video, and audio production sample pieces.
I created this portfolio website because I am currently seeking a media creation career. You may notice that two of the three production pieces deal with film in some way. This is because I hope to work in the film production industry after graduation in May 2019. I fell in love with the feelings that film can evoke if done right, there’s just something about the medium that other media simply cannot match. The production side of filmmaking, specifically working behind the camera, is where I want to make my career. I am hoping to work as a cinematographer, someone who “paints with light.” While this is a lofty goal, I am confident that through hard work and meeting the right people, I can make it a reality. They say that if you find what it is you love you’ll never work a day in your life. Well I found what it is I love, now it’s time to make it into a reality.